Hair loss is a problem that affects many. Currently, over 35 million people worldwide experience hair loss on some level. Finding a solution to slow or stop the process can seem daunting, but it is not impossible. The first step in finding a hair loss solution that works for you is determining the exact culprit for your hair loss. There are many reasons why people experience hair loss.
Hair Loss from Stress
Stress is everywhere. Our everyday lives are full of stressful situations such as managing financing, working, social obligations, contending with the rigors of parenthood. The list goes on and on and on. There may not be an end to stress, but stressful situations can cause issues with our hair. Hair falling out due to stress is one of the most common issues hair loss professionals see.
But is there a solution?
Removing all stress from our lives is an impossibility, but there are some things we can control to help manage hair falling out. One of the biggest culprits is with our diet. Nutrition insufficiencies can cause follicle issues leading to the potential of hair loss, so make sure you are eating adequate fruits, veggies, and lean proteins to keep your body healthy. For immediate help with hair loss from stress, you can try PRP treatments. These treatments help stimulate follicles and can bring new life to your scalp.
Genetic Hair Loss
Genes are strong and up to 80% of all hair loss is related to genetics. Take a look around your family. Was your dad bald or did your mom experience thinning hair? It is likely you will too, but even though family genetics remains strong, science has been working on solutions to help stop inherited hair loss in its tracks.
What’s the Solution?
Preventing genetic hair loss is impossible, but through regular PRP hair loss treatment, the condition can be delayed for a while. However, eventually, genetics will catch up and if you are going to lose your hair, it will start falling out. Hair transplants are essentially the only choice you have to contend with genetic hair loss. Hair is taken from the nape of the neck, the donor area, and then placed by a professional in the region where hair loss is an issue.
Hormone Induced Hair Loss
Hormones are not just something that goes crazy during our adolescence. Later in life, hormones can become a problem once again. Life changes such as menopause can trigger hair loss in women. For men, an increase or decrease in testosterone can trigger the same issue. Men secrete an additional hormone known as the DHT hormone that can affect testosterone levels and an excess amount of this hormone can cause hair loss.
What Do I Do?
Hormone therapy solutions may be recommended by your doctor. These therapies involve taking specific vitamins that alleviate the addition of the DHT hormone. Another solution, and often better option is hair transplants. Hair transplants take the roots of your own hair from the base of your hairline at the back of your neck. The hair is then transplanted into the problem area where the follicle should grow naturally once more.
Age Related Hair Loss
Although most hair loss is attributed to stress, hormone levels, or genetics, there is another type of hair loss that can happen to anyone, mostly men. Hair loss from aging is not as common as you might think, but hair loss can actually occur at any age. Still, it can be uncomfortable to experience hair loss no matter what age you may be.
What is the Solution?
Two solutions are an option. PRP treatments and Mesotherapy for hair loss. We have already discussed PRP, but Mesotherapy is a specialized treatment that tightens the skin by injecting the area with an intense dose of essential vitamins and minerals. Blood tests should be done to determine which treatment is right for you.
Drug Induced hair Loss
It is not uncommon for specific drugs to promote hair loss. Side effects from antidepressants and other drugs that alter hormone levels can cause hair loss. Experimenting with drugs to help build muscles may have side effects such as hair loss. That is why it is so important to keep your doctor informed on any medications you take. It is also a great idea to do your own research before taking any over the counter or prescribed medications. Here are some of the most common drugs that can cause hair loss.
Paralysis Drugs
Staff or Gout Medications
Blood Thinners
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Cholesterol Medication
Mood Altering Drugs
Thyroid Treatment Drugs
Birth Control Pills
High Doses of Vitamin A
Recreational Substances
Diet Pills
If you experience hair loss from any drug, consult your doctor and see if ending the use of the drug might help.

Hair Loss in Females
Hair loss is not just a male issue. Women of all ages can experience hair loss. Generally, hair loss in women is experienced while pregnant or shortly after while hormone levels are unstable. Additionally, hair loss can be attributed later in life to hormone changes due to menopause. All of the above issues can trigger hair loss in women as well as men apart from DHT.
Solution for Female Hair Loss
PRP treatments or discontinuing any drug attributing to your hair loss is the best solution. You may also want to consult your doctor concerning hormone levels. Keep your stress level down where
possible and eat a healthy diet and exercise.
Healthy hair comes from a healthy body. If you have done all this and still experiencing hair loss, consider getting a female hair transplant. Hair transplant for women's hair loss are a more permanent solution.
Hair loss happens for a variety of reasons in both men and women. Take time to examine your life and determine if there is anything you can change to alleviate the problem. Talk with your physician about medical solutions, but remember, hair transplants are always there for you, no matter your age, should other solutions fail to provide adequate results.
Skinoza clinic have a lot of great treatments to prevent hair loss or to help achieve great results. If you’re considering your treatment options, book your FREE consultation and one of our specialist will be able to help you understand the problem and decide on the best course of action.