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Dermal Fillers and Double Standards

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

Whenever we talk about dermal fillers and cosmetic treatments, or see them mentioned in the media, there is always a two-pronged approach to every opinion and every story. On one hand, beauticians and aesthetic nurses are heralded for their ability to make small and subtle changes to the structure of the face, which is neither permanent nor hugely expensive, but which can greatly enhance the confidence of the individual at the other end of the needle. On the other hand, aesthetic treatments are knocked for being the unnecessary product of humanity’s obsession with looks and vanity, with beauty clinics around the world associated with feeding into the culture of always looking perfect.

For us, this presents a double standard, particularly when negative arguments are made by those who don’t fully understand the variety of motivations let by consumers of aesthetic treatments. And this is where education around the industry needs to be improved.

The power of normalising dermal fillers

As is the case with so many taboo topics in the 21st century, the best way of combatting negative associations is by breaking the barrier and actually talking and communicating openly about the topic in question. The world of dermal filler and “having work done” may not be as fundamental to human rights as gender or racism, but it can leave individuals feeling alienated when a stigma is attached to a procedure which, for them, is intrinsic to helping them embrace who they really are.

Gender identity is one of society’s greatest focuses right now, with dermal filler and aesthetic treatments serving as one of the easiest and most accessible means of making an individual feel more like the gender they choose to define themselves as. If a lip filler makes someone feel more feminine, or the filling of a chin dimple makes someone feel more confident in themselves, who are we to judge and label them as purely “having work done”?

The single biggest influence behind getting dermal filler of any kind done, is self-confidence. For some, this is linked with their ability to impress others, while for others it has nothing to do with others and everything to do with the reflection looking back at them. The point is that humanity finds itself falling own a rabbit hole of perfection, constantly chasing the perfect image which is presented to us online and across social media, and which makes the average person feel insufficient and not good enough.

Perhaps, by opening up a dialogue and understanding more about why people lean on dermal filler, we can begin to normalise the treatment, erase the stigma associated with it, and really get to the root cause of the rise in treatment demands. And in the meantime, critics need to understand that dermal filler and aesthetic procedures are harmless, non-invasive, and much more affordable than the surgical alternatives – making them more accessible for a wider audience.


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